BellRock Pet Greens Semi Moist Tuna Cat Treats
Pet Greens Treats for cats are a delicious source for green nutrition. Our wholesome, semi-moist cat treats are made with organic Wheat Grass. Wheat Grass contains high concentrations of chlorophyll, enzymes, antioxidant nutrients, vitamins A, B-complex and C, minerals and amino acids. Pet Greens Treats for cats are a safe alternative to potentially harfmul houseplants and chemically treated outside grasses.
Tuna, Tuna Flour, Soy Flour, Corn Syrup, Chicken Liver, Modified Food Starch, Gelatin, Glycerin, Organic Ground Wheat Grass Powder, Chicken, Beef, Dextrose, Brewers Yeast, Phosphoric Acid, Cheddar, Cheese Powder, Natural Flavor, Salt, Fish Oil, Glycine, Dried Egg Product, Preserved with Potassium Sorbate, Mixed Tocopherols.